Couples Intensive
Is Your Relationship Running Out of Time?
“The Fastest Way To Figure Out If Your Relationship Has Hope
And The Skills to Take Action!”
My Couples Intensive is for couples that don’t have the time and want to decide whether the relationship has hope or it is time to move in different directions. This Intensive is a therapeutic journey that is going to help you either heal your relationship and yourselves or support you in navigating an alternate path.
We move fast and effectively and are not restrained by Insurance 50 Minute Weekly Sessions!
This program is for you…
If you want the fastest results possible!
If you are on the verge of separation or divorce
If you need to know fast whether your relationship has hope.
If you are living like roommates and don’t seem to enjoy each other’s company.
If you feel as though you no longer share the same values or thoughts about the future.
If your partner stopped sharing their life with you.
If you and your partner argue about everything.
If your partner does not see or hear you.
If the there is no intimacy.
If you no longer trust your partner.
If you have children and you are worried about them seeing the constant conflict between the both of you.
If you your partner makes you feel like you are worthless and can never do anything right.
If you are wondering if it is time to cut your losses and think about what is next.
If you feel as though your partner may be cheating.
If you are miserable when they arrive home or you avoid going home.
What you will learn from my Relationship BOOTCAMP!
Getting to the root cause of relationship dysfunction in the first session and develop skills to start using that day!
What dysfunctional dance you and your partner are engaging in that is killing your relationship.
Develop a new dance the brings you closer together.
How your childhood is negatively impacting your relationship with yourself and your partner.
How to let go of relationship resentment and heal from the past.
How to communicate more effectively to get what you want.
Discover why there is no intimacy in your relationship and how to get it back.
Relational skills to help you reconnect and avoid the triggering behaviors that have are toxic to your relationship and your family.
Finally put an end to all the drama, fighting, toxicity, arguing and harshness so you can love and cherish each other the way you did when you first met!
How to communicate with a partner that is critical, dismissive, judgmental and can do no wrong.
Be connected and protected in relationships Recognize the Five Losing Strategies
Practice the Five Winning Strategies for relational success
Develop healthy communication, listening and responding skills
Learn relational skills to help you reconnect and avoid the triggering behaviors that are toxic to your relationship and your family.
Transform your relationship into one that is based on compassion, collaboration and closeness
How to get your partner to see you and hear you.
How to stand up for yourself to a partner who is dismissive and shuts you down by yelling or walking away.
You and your partner will develop skills to recondition your brain’s automatic responses to navigate conflict in healthier ways. “Our automatic responses to conflict is the fuel on the fire of relationship disagreements”
Learn the habits of people whose relationships end in separation and divorce
”What not to do”Learn the habits of people who are in happy and healthy relationships that are based on a foundation of love, affection and trust. “What you should be doing”
This program is NOT for you…
If you and your partner are not invested 100% in making your relationship work.
If you are not committed to doing the work.
If you are expecting me as your counselor and coach to fix your relationship. That is the couples responsibilities if they want it. “I will provide you with the tools, coaching and counseling to facilitate change if both partners are open and flexible to do the work!
If you think you are coming into therapy to argue every week.
If you can’t accept the truth in front of each other. My therapeutic approach is direct and speaking the truth is what makes my process so effective and efficient. Some clients feel the directness is too much and there are a million couples therapists that will spend years beating around the bush of relationship dysfunction which is costly and exhausting. With my relational therapy approach we go right through whatever bush or forest is in front of you on day one, so the healing can start and being relational with each other can begin!